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  • Market Research
  • UI/UX Design



Monogram leveraged a new brand identity for AmerCareRoyal to design a brand new world-class website and ecommerce experience for one of the world's largest packaging manufacturers.

ACR cover image
[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "summaryImage", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
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Next-level e-commerce

We designed each and every interaction for maximum efficiency and recognizability. A website shopping experience, no matter how niche or industrial, should not require a user manual to operate. Which is why we adopted the best practices from world-class consumer brands to the ACR brand as well.

A new perspective on product photography

After many internal explorations, Monogram settled on providing creative direction for isometric/perspective 3D renders or photography for AmerCareRoyal products. This set a tone of organization, cleanliness, and professionalism even before one word was written.

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Marketing insights, delivered

One of the goals of the project was to increase visibility into ACR's market prowess, something the old website simply did not do. Monogram designed a beautiful visual language for ACR to be able to share market statistics, awards, success stories, and more without appearing too sales-y.

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A case for mobile

Despite what seemed intuitive, over 2/3 of measured web traffic was mobile, so emphasis was placed on providing a world-class mobile experience, from browsing and comparing products, viewing dimensions and material details, and searching. There was 1:1 feature parity between the desktop and mobile designs.

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