Jamstack vs. WordPress — the facts

  • TJ
    Creative Director


There was once a day when WordPress was cool. Some might swear on it even today. But everyone cannot deny the fact that the 17 year old PHP monolith is fundamentally slow, insecure, and on its way out to give way to newer technologies.

What is Jamstack?

You may have heard the terms "headless cms" or "static website". These are part of Jamstack, a web methodology used to make static websites— the websites of the future. The Jamstack is not about specific technologies. It’s a new way of building websites and apps that delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience.

You may have already seen or worked on a Jamstack site! They do not have to include all attributes of JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. They might be built using sites built by hand, or with Jekyll, Hugo, Nuxt, Next, Gatsby, or another static site generator...

The thing that they all have in common is that they don’t depend on a web server.

Jamstack websites are fundamentally more secure than Wordpress because they don't rely on a public database. They don't expose scripting, and if you serve them from a CDN, they don't have one point of failure.

The importance of having a fast loading website need not be explained. A highly performant website influences user experience, increases user retention rate, causes a bump in SEO rankings, and helps your business achieve marketing goals. Adopting the Jamstack architecture as the way of building your website is an easy way to reap the benefits of a highly performant website mentioned above.

Read our Whitepaper about WordPress vs. Jamstack