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How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

  • Drayke
    Frontend Developer

At Monogram, we believe that talent knows no boundaries. That's why we embrace a global team model, bringing together the best designers and developers from around the world. Our team spans continents and time zones, representing a diverse range of cultures and viewpoints. But how do we make it work? Let’s dive into how we collaborate, connect, and build a thriving company culture across borders.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team
Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

Around-the-Clock Creativity

With team members spanning so many time zones, we operate in a perpetual state of creative momentum. While some sleep, others are actively brainstorming, designing, and coding. This unique workflow not only enables us to deliver lightning-fast solutions for our clients but also fuels non-stop innovation. We're constantly pushing the envelope, drawing inspiration from diverse perspectives and staying one step ahead to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

The Best Talent, Anywhere

Embracing a global team model opens up a world of possibility. We're not limited by location, allowing us to find truly exceptional individuals from diverse backgrounds. This means we've built a team where passion, skill, and a drive for excellence transcend borders. It's not just about where you live – it's about the unique perspectives, problem-solving approaches, and unwavering work ethic each of our team members bring to the table. Our team is proof that a global mindset leads to remarkable results.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team
Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team
Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

Tech Tools are our Backbone

A carefully chosen tech stack is essential for a distributed team like ours. We rely on a mix of communication and project management tools (like Slack, Loom, Notion, and Linear) to stay organized, facilitate seamless collaboration, and bridge any gaps created by time zones. These tools help us streamline communication, manage complex workflows, and maintain transparency across borders.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

Emphasizing Overlap

While asynchronous work plays a role in our flexibility, we understand the power of real-time connection. That's why we actively seek out overlapping work hours across time zones. These intentional periods of shared focus allow for dynamic brainstorming sessions, rapid troubleshooting, and a sense of team unity that's harder to achieve solely through asynchronous channels. This approach leads to swift problem-solving, efficient decision-making, and a stronger sense of collective ownership over our projects.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team
Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team
Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

Prioritizing In-Person Connection

We understand that nothing replaces the power of face-to-face interactions. While digital tools are essential for our daily work, we firmly believe that in-person meet-ups are crucial for building trust, fostering camaraderie, and sparking those spontaneous moments of creativity. That's why we strive to organize in-person meet-ups whenever possible. These gatherings go beyond work trips – they're opportunities to explore new places together, share meals, understand each other's cultures better, and create lasting bonds that transcend the virtual workspace. By combining work with opportunities for genuine connection and shared experiences, these meet-ups strengthen our team in a way that transcends the daily work routine.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

Productivity with a Side of Memes

At Monogram, we believe serious work and serious fun go hand-in-hand. Sure, we're driven by deadlines and dedicated to delivering exceptional results. But along the way, we embrace the lighter side of work life. Our Slack channels are filled with the perfect mix of project updates and well-timed memes. Spontaneous conversations can derail into sharing funny stories or lighthearted debates about the day's trending topics. We understand that laughter and a bit of lightheartedness fuel creativity and foster a stronger sense of community – making the daily grind a whole lot more enjoyable.

Image for How Monogram Thrives as a Global Team

We believe the world is our office, but more importantly, it's our canvas. With each project and each new team member, we aim to leave our mark on the digital landscape. If our passion for innovation, commitment to collaboration, and global perspective resonate with you, we invite you to explore our open positions. Join us on this journey and help us shape the future of design and development.